Internet Policy

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At WLPS we have defined the boundaries and management systems that will be in place to ensure the Internet is only used for enhancing student learning and supporting teachers in the development of Information Literacy skills with the classes and for planning purposes

Appropriate Use
1. The Internet should be used by students and teachers for curriculum purposes, independent research and development, the transfer of information relevant to the achievement of the school goals and planning.
2. The use of the Internet should be legal and ethical.
3. Access to networks and computers provided by WLPS will be used fairly and equitably.

WLPS staff recognise that students, when using the internet for any purpose including the sending and receiving of emails, using key words or search terminals to locate information and for downloading information may access
information or sites that are inappropriate.

The following summarises the conditions of use by students of the computer internet service:
1. All students and parents are required to sign a user form which is passed to the class teacher before the internet can be accessed. Any student not returning a signed form will not be able to use the internet for any purpose until the form is completed. Teachers will keep a class register of internet approvals a copy of which will be available for relief teachers and library –  resource staff.
2. Students may only be able to access the internet when supervised by a class teacher or a delegated adult. Supervision will be diligent and the supervisors will be able to view all sites students are on.
3. All students using the computers based in the library-resource area or classes must have adult supervision. No student may access a computer unless an adult is present in the room.
4. Students are only able to access the internet through approved search terminals
5. Before students are directed onto a site for class research the teacher will, where possible, have visited the site previously and deemed its suitability.
6. Teachers will instruct students to immediately inform their teacher/supervisor that if they access a site that they feel is inappropriate.
7. DET Internet usage data and school internal auditing (through accessing user data) will be used to review internet usage in the school.
8. No student printing will be allowed direct from the internet unless directed by a teacher.
9. Students will only be identified by their first name in the newsletter and website articles if their photo is also used. Parents consent will be required for all use of media in published articles. This will be considered as a generic approval for use of student work, photos and videos.


Internet policy for students from kindergarten to year 2.

Internet policy for students from year 3 to 6.