Delivering Educational Excellence
West Leederville Primary School
Welcome to our website. West Leederville Primary School is situated three kilometres from the central business district of Perth and occupies a unique place in public school education in Western Australia, due to the age and history of its buildings and a strong community focus. West Leederville Primary School is nestled in the Perth suburb of West Leederville, between Lake Monger and Subiaco Oval, 3 kms northwest of the CBD of Perth. West Leederville is the earliest area of residential subdivision in the Town of Cambridge occurring from 1891 onwards, with the school opening its doors in 1898 with 133 students. Today, close over 578 students from varied backgrounds and cultures are enrolled at the school.
Our place in West Leederville.
West Leederville Primary School is nestled in the Perth suburb of West Leederville, between Lake Monger and Subiaco Oval, 3 kms northwest of the CBD of Perth. West Leederville is the earliest area of residential subdivision in the Town of Cambridge occurring from 1891 onwards, with the school opening it’s doors in 1898 with 133 students. Today, close to 400 students from varied backgrounds and cultures are enrolled at the school. Our original buildings are heritage listed and these provide unique character with classrooms that surround the traditional school hall. In 2010 a new library and arts centre was completed and a new administration block in 2011.
To deliver educational excellence through a safe, respectful and stimulating environment that inspires our students to unlock and fulfil their learning potential. Success is achieved through developing every child academically, socially, emotionally, creatively, and physically.

We believe that optimum learning occurs when:
- students are valued, supported, encouraged to take risks and to think creatively.
- students have a growth mindset and understand the impact of effort on progress and achievement.
- learning is culturally relevant and makes connections to student’s own life experiences.
- students co-operate, collaborate and interact purposefully with others to enhance their learning.
- the explicit teaching of higher order thinking processes and metacognitive strategies is embedded throughout the curriculum.
- teachers use a range of assessment data to design developmental learning sequences and lesson structures that cater for individual learning needs.
- explicit teaching practices, including learning intentions and success criteria, support students in knowing what to do and how to do it.
- learning goals offer students an appropriate level of challenge; and timely, targeted feedback empowers them to monitor and progress their learning.
- information and communication technologies transform the way students think and learn, and provide them with the required skills to be successful in today’s society.
- all stakeholders commit to open and respectful communication and collaboration, for the purpose of enhancing student wellbeing and learning.
Connected community
Parents expect a high standard of teaching and learning from the experienced and talented staff. Strong community relationships ensure everyone is well known, childrens’ needs are identified and parents are active participants in their child’s education within the school.

What others say about us
Thank you so much to all of the staff for making his welcome to the school so special.
Parent – A new parent to the community
I will never forget my time at West Leederville Primary School. The teachers, all of the experiences we had and friends I have. I leave with fond memories and feel ready for the challenges of high school ahead.
Student – Year 7 Graduate